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my ps2 doesn't spin any disk!!!! HELP!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:22 pm
by maad
my ps2 kept saying disk read error, so i cleaned the lens. it only worked for a day. i tried it again, but the lens can't "see" the disk!!! it spins for a second and then stops. my ps2 acts like there's no disk.
HELP ME!!!!!!
please send me a reply asap.
or e-mail me at [email protected][/b]

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:56 am
by khat17
If you've been inside the PS2 before, here's something you could try. Remove the cover for the laser assembly / disk tray. Manually (while the console is off) move the lens to the back of the console. Power on and check if the lens moves to the front (home towards the spindle). If it does, and you get some laser light, then probably the lens is good, but may need some adjustments / tweaking. Post your resutls when you can. Thank you, and hope it helps.
